How to Setup Google Shopping Campaigns for Your WooCommerce Store

In the increasingly competitive e-commerce landscape, finding effective strategies to stand out and attract customers is crucial. For WooCommerce store owners, Google Shopping campaigns provide a powerful tool to increase visibility, reach potential customers, and drive conversions.  This article offers a detailed guide on how to optimize Google Shopping campaigns for your WooCommerce store. Getting…

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Getting BIG User Engagement: Using SEO for eCommerce Store Owners

Introduction Driving traffic to your website is essential, but converting that traffic into sales is the ultimate goal. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool not only for increasing your online visibility but also for boosting conversions.  This article illustrates how online stores can use SEO to improve user engagement. It also looks at…

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Menchey Music – Case Study

How a Family-Owned Music Store Increased Organic Traffic by 85% Menchey Music is a family-owned and operated music center that focuses primarily on serving the needs of students, parents, music educators, and school music programs through their retail stores. The Challange In search of gaining more organic traffic to their shop site, back in January…

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Tapestry Music – Case Study

How a Redesigned Website Helped a Music Store in British Columbia Achieved a 30% Increase in Sales   Tapestry Music sells musical instruments online and in three locations in British Columbia. Founded in 1996, Tapestry has 24 employees who sell, rent, and repair a range of instruments – brass, woodwinds, orchestral, strings, and drums/percussion. Tapestry also sells…

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Go Play Golf – Client Case Study

How We Helped a Gift Card Business Successfully Switch Card Processors With Minimal Disruption Go Play Golf is the leading golf gift card program in the United States. Its cards are sold in more than 30,000 retail stores in the country and include major chains like Target, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens, as well as at…

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CHOQ® – Client Case Study

How A Fast-Growing Nutritional Supplement Business Keeps Its Site Fast and Efficient During Busy Holiday and Sales Periods CHOQ® is a privately owned research, development, and manufacturer of nutritional supplements it sells on its WooCommerce website, most often to men in their late 20s through 30s who want to boost their energy. Based in Austin,…

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Ultra Sabers – Client Case Study

ultra sabers

How the Market Leader for Customized Lightsabers Preserved Its #1 Google Ranking While Transforming Its Website into a Mobile-First, Lightning Fast Platform UltraSabers is a top-ranked developer of lightsabers and holds the #1 spot on Google. Based in Friendswood, Texas, it is a privately held e-commerce company with a WooCommerce website. Lightsaber enthusiasts visit the…

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Exploring the Ups and Downs of Custom Solutions for WooCommerce

Custom solutions and custom development for WooCommerce comes with both blessings and curses. Before we dive into the difference, let’s define what a custom WooCommerce solution is: Anywhere on a website where custom code has been written in place of downloading or purchasing software to achieve a desired function is technically a custom solution. Custom…

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How to Scale Your Online Store with WooCommerce

One of the reasons eCommerce businesses turn to WooCommerce is because it is widely recognized as “scalable,” meaning functions can expand alongside the business. Of course, as Chris Lema pointed out earlier this year, “scaling” is relative to what a business uses to measure success. And within a business different people will have different opinions…

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