What Is Website Accessibility?
Browsing the web is like a second nature to most of us. But others with physical challenges can seem overlooked when we are creating our websites. We can take for granted the process of seeing the screen, reading the text, hearing the sounds, and being able to handle the mouse and keyboard. Cody Landefeldco-founder at Mode Effect.…
Read MoreMobile Responsive Web Design – Critical Tool For Business Success
In today’s world, just about every single business has some form of online presence. This means that simply having a website is not going to be enough for your company if you want to beat out your competitors. You need to find every advantage that you can to ensure that your website is visited more…
Read MoreUsing Analytics to Improve User Experience
So your company is growing and your website isn’t cutting it anymore. You’re simply not converting users into customers. Don’t panic! There’s effective ways to understand what needs to be part of your website. If you built your website a while ago and haven’t been actively tweaking it, chances are you’re missing out on customers. One…
Read More5 Critical Mistakes with Retail Websites
Whether it’s clothes, shoes, electronics, music, or movies. We buy so many of these things online nowadays. It was estimated that in 2010 Americans spent $186 billion dollars on retail websites. That’s massive. It’s estimated that this will continue at a rate of 150% percent into the next year. That means 100 billion will go…
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