Email Automation for WooCommerce

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We spend too much time as store owners using multiple tools with our marketing efforts — jumping from one platform to another. So slow down. Focus and figure out the source of your time-suck and let your website automation do the work for you.


Do any of these tasks sound familiar – and have become monstrous time-sucks in your eCommerce business?


  • You receive a query from a potential customer from a contact form on your website. You send the information over to your lead sales team member.  You never find out what happens to the lead.
  • A whole afternoon is spent researching a query from an old issue or quote given to the sales lead. You must go look up what had been quoted to this sales lead — but it was done by a sales team member who had left a year ago.
  • An email subscription request is made on your site. Your administrator has to transfer all the queries over to the email subscriber google sheet — and then uploaded into your email platform, then tagged as a subscriber.
  • A regular customer needs to re-order something — and you have to comb through WooCommerce order records to find the order and exact product that she purchased.


So. much. Time. Wasted.


We hear the frustration and stress in our clients’ voices when they explain their biggest issues with their website business. And every issue revolves around the precious commodity of time.

As in … we don’t have enough time to build our business online.


Too much time is spent jumping around with communicating with your team — or just relying on Google sheets to keep records updated.  And never enough time to do the basic marketing that your business needs to keep the sales coming in … like …


  • Email newsletters
  • Following up with clients after a purchase to make sure they are happy
  • Keeping your top customers happy with special offers and events
  • Staying in touch with failed sales leads (or people who abandoned your e-commerce cart)
  • Checking regularly with your sales team about how they are doing — and what is in your pipeline


So, we want to help. Usually, the solution involves Active Campaign — and hooking it up to your website.  Then … letting automation do its thing.


Why? The tool is very user-friendly, so our clients can run it themselves.


For WooCommerce clients … the advantages help them with:


-tracking orders and client information easily

-tagging customers with their order information

– followup emails after purchases and shipping


And yes — you can do that through WooCommerce. But it involves editing .php file templates. Just that phrase makes my clients wince and then slide down in their seats. It is a lot easier to format lovely, sharp looking emails with a third-party tool like Active Campaign.


An integrated CRM system makes customer relationships a lot smoother. And, if you tag and segment your customers, you can send targeted emails with coupons and other special offers to your favorite folks.


A CRM system like Active Campaign also works well for non-e-commerce businesses who rely on a sales team to bring in the $$$. The sales notes are kept in one place, making it easier for your sales team to help each other close a sale.


Plus — there’s automation to help your team out. If a sales lead is just not ready to close — you can use automation to send monthly or quarterly reminders to the sales team to follow up.


So take a few moments to invest your time — in saving yourself time.

We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” Nelson Mandela

Interested in chatting with us more about this?  We’d love to hear and help.  Schedule a call by clicking right here.

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1 Comment

  1. […] which includes a “Forever Free” option for low-volume email blasts. Or you can go with a customer relationship management (CRM) system that integrates with your website and provides lead and other […]

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