Our Work

We've been fortunate to serve our clients and be a part of some great projects over the years.  Below are a sampling of some of our favorites.

Menchey Music – Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | March 3, 2023

How a Family-Owned Music Store Increased Organic Traffic by 85% Menchey Music is a family-owned and operated music center that focuses primarily on serving the needs of students, parents, music educators, and school music programs through their retail stores. The Challange In search of gaining more organic traffic to their shop site, back in January…

Tapestry Music – Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | September 30, 2022

How a Redesigned Website Helped a Music Store in British Columbia Achieved a 30% Increase in Sales   Tapestry Music sells musical instruments online and in three locations in British Columbia. Founded in 1996, Tapestry has 24 employees who sell, rent, and repair a range of instruments – brass, woodwinds, orchestral, strings, and drums/percussion. Tapestry also sells…

Go Play Golf – Client Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | August 19, 2022

How We Helped a Gift Card Business Successfully Switch Card Processors With Minimal Disruption Go Play Golf is the leading golf gift card program in the United States. Its cards are sold in more than 30,000 retail stores in the country and include major chains like Target, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens, as well as at…

CHOQ® – Client Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | July 1, 2022

How A Fast-Growing Nutritional Supplement Business Keeps Its Site Fast and Efficient During Busy Holiday and Sales Periods CHOQ® is a privately owned research, development, and manufacturer of nutritional supplements it sells on its WooCommerce website, most often to men in their late 20s through 30s who want to boost their energy. Based in Austin,…

ultra sabers

Ultra Sabers – Client Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | June 30, 2022

How the Market Leader for Customized Lightsabers Preserved Its #1 Google Ranking While Transforming Its Website into a Mobile-First, Lightning Fast Platform UltraSabers is a top-ranked developer of lightsabers and holds the #1 spot on Google. Based in Friendswood, Texas, it is a privately held e-commerce company with a WooCommerce website. Lightsaber enthusiasts visit the…

MainGear – Client Case Study

By Cody Landefeld | August 12, 2021

How MAINGEAR Achieved Consistent Speed and Stability on its Ecommerce Storefront and Found a Partner for Long-Term Growth and Success MAINGEAR.com, located in Kenilworth, New Jersey, was founded in 2002 with a mission to build high performance desktops and laptops to order tailored to a user’s specific needs. What began as a two-man business has…

How The Red Headed Hostess Trusts Mode Effect to Help Dramatically Scale WooCommerce

By Cody Landefeld | May 6, 2017

Tyson Foster, partner of The Red Headed Hostess with his wife Shannon, were seeking a website development partner who specialized in e-commerce – specifically the e-commerce platform WooCommerce made for WordPress websites.   “As our company grew, our current vendor could not serve us very well anymore,” said Foster. “There were constant issues, breaks and…

Arizona Marketing and Technology Leader Collaborates with Mode Effect to Launch Website for Consulting Business

By Cody Landefeld | October 4, 2016

For the past 25 years Greg Head, a Scottsdale, Arizona resident, has served as a leader in the software and technology industry, helping to grow three startups into global companies and brands. His experience includes working as an early employee of ACT! and as a co-founder of SalesLogix, sold to Sage plc in 2001 for…

Building a SaaS WooCommerce product to benefit Enterprise customers

By Cody Landefeld | August 2, 2016

CompTIA, a technology industry trade association, recently announced the launch and availability of the new InfoTech Law Advocates (ITLA) Legal Help Desk available at itlalegalhelpdesk.com. The online product is marketed and offered as a member benefit to CompTIA’s membership at a heavily discounted rate.

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