Articles for WooCommerce Store Owners

Tactics on how to improve optimization, speed, and design.  

APIs for WooCommerce Stores – WP ECommerce Show

Recently our co-founder Cody had a chance to be a guest on the WP ECommerce Show hosted by our friend Bob Dunn.  There was a great discussion about APIs and unpacking why they’re useful and necessary for most WooCommerce stores.  Here’s a sneak peek: In Episode 69 we are venturing into the tech side of online…

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5 Inventory Management Tools for WooCommerce Stores

Any eCommerce store selling physical goods will have to deal with some type of inventory management.  If you’re using WooCommerce it’s not a feature that’s sufficient right away.  While WooCommerce comes with lots of bells and whistles for your online store, inventory management typically requires some extra muscle. The good news is that there are…

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What does it cost to Maintain WooCommerce?

What Does it Cost to Maintain WooCommerce? Since finding WordPress in 2007 we’ve never looked back to find another tool to help clients build and scale an incredible website.  So naturally once WooCommerce came along we were thrilled to find such a great platform for our clients to build successful eCommerce stores.  But while the…

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SEO Primer for Ecommerce: 3 Tips for Quality Conversions

Getting new customers online is hard and competition grows daily with more and more eCommerce stores launching. And, if search engines can’t find you – well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news – but you basically don’t exist online. So, what’s an eCommerce store to do? Make sure your site is optimized…

Read More Creators, Select WordPress Agency Mode Effect to Build Affiliate Program

Automattic, a web development company founded in August 2005 and best known for developing and contributing to sought a WordPress development agency to build a website for the new WordPress Affiliate Program.   The program rewards members of the WordPress community – such as agencies, website developers, designers, theme developers and plugin developers –…

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Essential WooCommerce Extensions & Plugins

WooCommerce works off the WordPress platform. As a WooCommerce user, you’re probably using several WordPress plugins to take care of security, SEO, prevent spam and other functions. In addition to its standard tools, WooCommerce offers extensions (also called add-ons) that deliver extra functionality. Some from developers outside the company. Here are five WooCommerce extensions (and…

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5 Ways to Increase Ecommerce Conversion with Social Proof

Psychology has long influenced advertising, and one thing we know is that people influence people when it comes to making buying something.  Therefore, social proof must be part of your eCommerce conversion strategy. What is Social Proof? Sometimes called “information social influence,” social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others…

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How Much Does a WooCommerce Site Cost to Build?

If you’ve had an online store for some time or you’re looking to build a store, WooCommerce is a great option for your business.  The Woo platform affords you the ability to customize your online store to fit your business model.   New to WooCommerce?  Read our post on WooCommerce and why it can be…

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A Checklist for Selecting a WordPress Development Partner for Enterprise Companies

An appealing functional website that offers its users an enjoyable experience and meets their needs is a major key to the success of every business. WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms today. It powers nearly 30% of the Internet for both small and enterprise businesses, with 76.5 million global users. It is…

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