MoCo URL Task Scheduler



What is it?

The Url Task Scheduler allows you to automate url calls on a scheduled basis. Urls can be grouped in to single tasks to allow for one url to finish before another fires off, or they can be set as separate tasks which run on separate threads.

Product Features

  • Makes asynchronous web calls which will allow multiple tasks to be fired off simultaneously.
  • Multiple urls within a single task will be fired off sequentially.
  • Tasks are fired off in background threads which will allow you to run cpu and memory extensive logic inside of the urls that are being called without extensively lagging down the server.
  • Allows visibility in to the success of urls being called using the simple dashboard.
  • Tasks are created, updated, and edited using the simple dashboard.
  • Urls can be manually run from the dashboard for testing.
  • Urls can follow redirect rules or they can be reported as an error when a url is redirected.
  • Automatically call urls sequentially based upon the success of the prior url called.

How Does This Benefit My Online Store?

There are many benefits to implementing the url task scheduler. Numerous tasks can be executed by calling a url, which can be detrimental to the functionality of your ecommerce site. Many search engine feeds, including Smart Search, require data feeds to be created every so often. By calling a url, data feeds can be generated and updated on a timely basis. The url task scheduler provides your ecommerce site with a real time environment by calling the urls in a timely manner and syncing data on a regular basis.
An ecommerce site’s ranking and placement can be affected by how frequently data is maintained and fed to the consumer. Using the Url Task Scheduler to call the url, an ecommerce site can maintain consistency and provide the data directly to consumers.
Any number of urls can be called which could contain any type of logic. Since these urls are called on background threads, the server load is much lower than if you where to call the url directly i.e. from a browser.
An example of the Url Task Scheduler in action is with Pet Supplies Now. is powered by our Smart Search engine and uses the Url Task Scheduler to execute the Smart Search product feed and is also used to tell Smart Search to include the new product feed in the search results. Since the feed is run consistently every hour, product data can be updated in admin and be seen in the search results within the hour.

Call Morrison Consulting today at (888) 624-2226 to learn more.